Luxury Boudoir Session
Hair + Makeup, 3 Outfits, 1.5 Hour Session, Full Client Closet + Studio Access
This Experience takes from 9am-3pm. We start at 9am with looking through the client closet and studio to design your perfect session. Then we do hair and makeup. By 10:30 we begin the session where I will help you pose head to toe so all you have to do is enjoy and relax. By 12 we will wrap up and you will take a 2 hour lunch break while I prepare the proofing gallery. AT 2 when you come back, we will go over the products and collection options I have and then you will get to view your images, yay! When the products are selected and we do checkout, I will get you your Black Gem Self Care Goodie bag and you'll be on your way <3
Products and Images are separate from this session fee***Requests for Sunday or Saturday dates are subject to a $100 weekend fee